Sweet Home High School's Student Newspaper
The Panther Update, October 8th, 2019
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Why Read?

When many students hear the term “reading,” fearful images of thousand-word essays and complicated content arise in their minds. I mean, why should they read on their own time when English classes force students to read in school?

Let’s talk about some of the positives of reading on your own.

Scientific research points to how beneficial reading can be—some suggest books can expand your vocabulary, your creative skills, reduce stress, etc. The reasons to read seem to be overwhelming! Personally, reading can do all those things but it seems like self esteem is something no one really mentions much about in terms of picking up a book. Yes— reading can inspire, motivate, and bring one greater self esteem. . . but how?

It’s obvious that books can be classified by an array of genres like nonfiction, romance, fantasy, action, and thriller. In each genre, there are a million ways to entertain and inform. However, a fantasy novel is not going to influence you to start your own company and a non-fiction book is not going to entertain you with fun storylines between characters.

I do understand that non-fiction and autobiography books seem like those only English teachers would assign. On the other hand, these are the books that can be the most effective to boosting self esteem.

So how can simple letters turn into powerful words and how can they combine into impactful sentences?

First, understand that authors are humans with their own sets of experiences and opinions. This, in turn, can make them relatable. In addition, every author has their own unique voice. Some readers can feel a connection to an author because of the author's way of writing and nuances.

Speaking of way of writing, writing techniques are applied differently. For example, some authors are wonderful at developing their characters while others are good at using different sentence structures to get their stories, developments, and points across.

Imagery is another technique that can help readers visualize what the author is trying to say. Though, why emphasize on these possibly-applicable writing tools? That’s because these skills add value to the material these books contain. When a person understands that the content is valuable, one can value it more.

Second is the content between the pages. As I mentioned earlier, there are many genres to choose from. When it comes to nonfiction, autobiographies and realistic fiction, they can be extremely interesting. Especially, when it dawns upon you that it’s reality or at least based on it.

When it comes to self esteem, there are many books whose specific purpose is to teach readers how to have more self esteem, reduce anxiety, or be bold. Even so, books about the life of inspirational people can bring confidence, it doesn’t only have to be “how to” books.

Overall, reading is one of the most essential skills taught in youth and is utilized throughout the course of one's life.

Books can bring greater self esteem, specifically non-fiction books, autobiographies, and realistic fiction novels.

Authors are humans just like us with their own perspectives and can sometimes create a connection between readers—if not through their writing skills, then through their voices.

Author: Sofia Hernández
Category: Opinions
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